Innogames Elvenar - Cheat system - Losing units to see battlefield | impossible to win battle

Innogames Elvenar - Cheat system - Losing units to see battlefield | impossible to win battle

Innogames Elvenar - Cheat system - Losing units to see battlefield & impossible to win battle
Province 3, Level 5

cheating: player 5 squads : 7 squads cheating innogames [you really have no idea what 4 mages will do to your damage]
cheating squad sizes: player 100% : 145% cheating innogames [at this level, level 6 cheat is 160%]

But when it comes to Ancient wonders
Martial monastery example: level 1: 1,6% health bonus. But you do not see a problem to buff yourself when you need to cheat to win.